
Still running SUS? Migrate Now!

I heard a startling fact today – the number of SUS servers synchronizing with Microsoft has actually gone up in recent months.  Yes, you read that right…SUS (the v1 product that’s not even available for download anymore) is increasing in popularity.

Here’s the really scary part – Microsoft will stop delivering updates to SUS servers on December 6, 2006 (official link).  This means all clients and servers that pull updates from SUS will go unpatched unless someone takes action soon.  Last time I checked December 6th is less than 4 months away.  Furthermore, the fact that December’s Patch Tuesday falls on the 12th means that SUS admins really only have 3 months to migrate to WSUS.

OK – now for some good news.  Upgrading to WSUS is about as straightforward as it gets.  Microsoft even provides a Step-by-Step Guide to walk you through the upgrade.  Since WSUS is free, and has similar hardware/software requirements to SUS, there really isn’t any reason NOT to upgrade.  If you can think of one, feel free to leave a comment and we’ll chat :P  Or better yet, just check out the WSUS FAQ and get on with the upgrade.